The current state of the housing and homelessness crises in Canada is alarming

Each year, 235,000 Canadians experience homelessness. This number is increasing. People see it in their neighborhood and more and more people know someone affected by this crisis.

The federal government must invest in housing and the fight against homelessness. This is not only a moral imperative, but also a crucial step in creating a more equitable society.

Together, let's put pressure on the Liberals:

Also, when they rolled out CERB, the government acknowledged $2,000/month as the level of income people need to live – yet across this country, hundreds of thousands of people are living in legislated poverty.

A sufficient Guaranteed Livable Income would transform the lives of vast numbers of people across the country. NDP MP Leah Gazan introduced Bill C-223 to make that idea a reality.

An investment in our social safety net is necessary so that no one is left behind.